20 June 2013

a light that never goes out

being able to love is the greatest feeling ive ever feel or actually felt. ah! such a young and foolish kid i was. i just love the song of The Smiths, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. There's a phrase that really caught my attention till today, "to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die". i guess people wont really care if they die as long as they know that they have someone that loves and waits for them. love is actually a light as no matter how hard or dark your life journey will be, when you have love, at the end of the day it will feel like you found the light at the end of the tunnel.

i envy those lucky bastards! i envy how easy they found their love.

a year and four months.

the most painful i might say. it's not that i havent moved on yet. i have moved on, it's just that i couldnt even find a guy that is quite like him; even a bit. no one ever gets me like he does, no one ever treats me like he does. maybe i just keep looking for such guy; him to be specific. maybe i should just give the time a chance to heal everything.