16 May 2013

damnation occurs

speechless you might say. want to scream out loud. cursing and swearing are the only thing i do, besides typing my new post.

ive left my laptop for almost a month; untouched, unopened. today is the first day of opening it for the sake of my classmates. wanting all the slides ive made due to the upcoming exam and everybody is searching for notes to read. okay, so here it comes, the story. searching for all the slides like a mad scientist. result, zero. i then search for all the work that ive done for this semester; assignments, notes, slides, everything about this semester's works. the result, again, ZERO!

in disbelieve, i still search for it. every files being open and close and open and close and open and close. the result is still the same. opening all my pendrives, aokieux and croco. NOTHING. two of my external hardisks then, still, NOTHING.

argh! i want to cry out loud! forgodsake! all my work, hard-work. well, last minute hard-work! im just not in my good mood. not even close to it! argh, it all happens at the same time. it's just too  much for me to take. GOD! just give me a break!

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