14 April 2011

i'll try~

i'll gather up all my fortitude in myself and i'll fight all this feelings away. i will forget you, i'll try. even though it's hard for me to do so but you leave me with no choice. forgive me for being an ass but it's for good. i'll erase you away from my memory and my heart. i'm not gonna pretend that we never know each other but i will really be like an amnesia person and really never knew you.

i'll never hope again to bump with you or even to see your face again. i wish that you'll never be in my dreams nor nightmares again. i wish for a change, for my life; my love life. waiting for you is like waiting for a shooting star to fall. and you've never change, i thought you'll change but my expectations are too high. guess i'm just wasting my time for dreams that once i held too tight and dearly, wishing that it'll hatch to be real.

leave me and forget me, do whatever you want as long as you stay away from my life and never ever come back again. you'll just bring the good old days to be painful memories in my life. just go and never even think about coming back. go and fly your way to the sky and find a new life, a better one without me but with her inside. never try to remember all our memories even once, it's all just a mistake that i don't plan. i'm sorry~

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