14 April 2011

what a day~

'i fall, i cry and i'll get up', that words always lingering in my mind. grieving for our failure and rise again as a new man, heart filled with experience of life and mind filled with words of wisdom. again, i failed and i rise up from my downfall. it never fade my spirit to live up again, to feel the freedom of being alone. the feel of being free like a bird soaring high up in the spacious blue sky without any boundary; unlike a coin-operated toy that caged in a framework.

i'm tired of living in a fantasy, a dream world that i'll never achieve. it's not a crime to dream and dreams are free therapy. but dreams are slippery thing, dreams are like stars, dreams are like grabbing shadows, dreams are like living in space without any help of oxygen. i used to dream a lot, no kidding. but as i started to become more mature in life, i realise that dreams just obscuring us with its happily-ever-after ending.

the naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie; lies are part of life where people use to cover up their mistakes or guilt. lies are easy to utter but it's hard to maintain. 'once you enter the world of lies, you can never turn back', that kind of words normally i'll heard from the elders. lies will make us live in denial of what we do and even what we think. but, the person who believe in lies is much more tormented than the liar. the man believed in it and trust it, but if he knew that it's all just a lie, you can imagine how frustrated and disappointed he is.

*sorry for the damn weird post.
just type it without thinking.

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