28 April 2011

a big thanks~

apologies for my lousy command in english. i know that i don't speak fluently and i sound funny. but bad command in english? i sound bad? that's a harsh word you got there. i'm maybe a malay but i'm not as ill mannered as you are. i'm maybe a malay but i'm not racist as you are. and i'm maybe a malay but i don't speak english with malay tone.

i don't know why you're the one that interviewed me? i'm not degrading or looking down on you but, you yourself only speak with broken english, manglish. at least i speak with some accent as i don't know how to sound like you. sorry if you felt insulted, that's not my business by the way. i don't care if you're an english lecturer but you don't sound like one.

okay, i admit that my grammar is way too disaster but still, what do you expect? perfect grammar with perfect communication skills to be there for you? well, you're not the best place in this country anyway so don't expect too high. i bet you, yourself aren't that superb in english. you too are like the other, used to have mistakes in grammar and you sound more stupid than i am, even though now that you're a lecturer.

don't ever tell anyone that they are bad in something and don't ask people to rate themselves. that's your job, what are you being paid for? for god sake, can't you tell the different between 'through' and 'true'? ohmigosh, ask me what 'through' is? and i have to spell it for you, if i'm not, you not gonna understand it.

treat people the way you wanna be treated. please, you are a MALAY! malay are super famous for their manners and courtesy. please don't make people to hate malay more and don't make malays to hate their own race. there's no use to be educated if that's what you call, certificate i mean; diploma, degree, master, doctorate. what for if you don't sound like one, when you speak you sound like a cleaner that don't ever go to school.

may god be with you. i may not eligible for it but still i have my own pride. don't make others feel bad about themselves and never underestimate people. doesn't anyone taught you that? people maybe respect you but do they really respect you? think again. think.

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